(Română) Panouri de licheni şi muşchi stabilizaţi Sorry, this entry is only available in Română. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Dacă ţi-am propune realizarea unor decoruri inovatoare din panouri și tablouri din muschi și licheni stabilizați, ce au la bază dragostea pentru natural, ecologic şi neconvenţional, ai … Read More
Complex landscape works Thanks to landscaping, nature can come closer to us even in the urban area. In a complex setting we can include lots of elements like grass, rustic or natural pavement, alpine and Japanese gardens, lakes, streams, waterfalls, fountains, hedges, flower beds, dry/xerogardens, pergolas covered with climbing plants, intensive and extensive green roofs, large trees on alignments, large solitary plants, stabilizations … Read More
Ornamental lakes and waterfalls Ornamental lakes are true oases of recreation that can turn your yard into a delightful landscape. These lakes can have different sizes and shapes, may be decorated with flowers, ornamental plants at the edge, with a waterfall, a steam or a fountain. You can also have a real lake, which has waterlily islands of different colours, lots of flowers and … Read More
Swimming ponds Swimming ponds are lakes built in the nature and have the similar area of swimming pools (with deck, stairs, steps, straight walls made of natural materials) and also an ornamental area with lots of vegetation and gravel that provides the adequate purification of the water with the help of biofilters. Swimming ponds have several benefits and offer more than visual … Read More
Planting big solitary trees (10-15 m) Imposing landscapes cannot be realized by planting young saplings. Mature trees grant a unique look that captures anyone’s attention. These solitary trees combined with medium and small complementary plants, create such a beautiful harmony which can only delight the eye. Without planting mature trees, a landscape cannot have a representative presence. Using just young saplings would give the impression of … Read More
Grassing with turf rolls Using turf rolls is the safest and most effective grassing method and it has many advantages: they are instantly installed and integrated into the landscape ( you do not have to waste your time with the sowing, waiting for the germination of seeds and the development of grass) can be accessed about one week after the installation (you cannot tread … Read More
Fountains We can build very complex fountains with automated water games. Combining several elements (different jets: volcano type, calyx, water globe etc.) and using a pre-programmed control panel, we can achieve a spectacular decor inside of a building or in open spaces as squares or parks. With the help of this control panel, the perimeter lighting system, the water jet, and … Read More
Animated 3D design Animated 3D design, turnkey projects of landscaping. All landscaping elements can be included in projects in progress both in 2D and 3D. It is easier for clients who do not have special botany or landscaping knowledge to analyze these projects and to make decisions. So we can create projects whose analysis or concluding on the basis of the beneficiary wishes … Read More
Interior design The main mission of the interior design is to create a pleasant ambience through spectacular flower arrangements and solitary plants with high decorative value. If we have the budget, the following aspects are to be considered: type of the building (shopping centre/mall, restaurant, hotel, conference hall etc.) the general interior design of the place requested style (simple but trendy, classic … Read More
(Română) Fațadă verde la UMF Târgu-Mureș Sorry, this entry is only available in Română. For the sake of viewer convenience, …
(Română) Fațada verde cu plante cățărătoare iedera și viță de vie sălbatică la Kaufland Aurel Vlaicu în Cluj