Home Resources Checklists


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In this section you can find checklists that can help you in green roof projects.

We offer all our professional knowledge in order to help planning intensive, extensive green roofs and green walls
Checklist G5 .doc
Help for design G6 .doc
Attention designers, general entrepreneurs and those who install waterproofing!

Our company can help with technical consultancy, customized technical solutions for intensive, extensive green roofs and green walls. Photorealistic simulations of intensive, extensive and landscape green roofs can guide those clients who do not have special botany or landscaping knowledge. Technical details are available in .pdf and .dwg formats, and you can use them in your own projects by specifying the source.

Partner companies of architecture can have lots of technical and financial benefits. If you are interested to learn about architectural solutions concerning green roofs or complex landscape works, we are at your disposal. This knowledge could contribute to your professional success and could also bring additional revenues. So don’t hesitate, contact us.

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