Vegetation Semi-extensive biodiverse vegetation 19 min read 0 5,989 The semi-extensive biodiverse vegetation in most cases is realized by seeding, but we can also use vegetation rolls, in order to provide instant blooming. We can add to these rolls some additional seeds or plants from the list below. If we want to have a real biodiversity both in texture and colors and durable and viable vegetation, the best and the most effective method remains the sowing. There are some plants listed below which can be used for green roofs, because the mixture of their seeds can offer a beautiful biodiverse rooftop garden. The Bauder KS Plus mixture of seeds is composed of herbaceous species that provide a colorful mix of flowers that bloom at different times of the year, offering a great level of biodiversity. Seed species included in the Bauder KS Plus mixture: Achillea millefolium - Yarrow Anthemis tinctoria - Yellow chamomileCampanula rotundifolia - HarebellDianthus carthusianorum - Carthusian Pink Dianthus deltoides - Maiden Pink Fragaria vesca - Wild strawberry Geranium sanguineum - Bloody crane's bill Hieracium pilosella - Mouse-ear hawkweed Leucanthemum vulgare - Oxeye daisy Linum perenne - Blue flax Muscari comosum - Tassel hyancinth Origanum vulgare - Oregano Papaver rhoeas - Common poppy Petrorhagia argentea - Tunic flowerPotentilla argentea - Silver cinquefoil Salvia pratensis - Meadow Clary Sedum acre - Goldmoss stonecrop Sedum album - White stonecrop Sedum ellacombianum - Orange stonecrop Sedum hispanicum - Biting stonecrop LinSedum montanum - Mountain stonecrop umSedum sexangulare - Tasteless stonecrop Sedum spurium - Broadleaf stonecrop Teucrium chamaedrys - Wall germander Thymus pulegioides - Lemon thyme Verbascum nigrum - Dark mullein Veronica spicata - Spiked speedwell Plants to be completed with: Potentilla argentea - Silver cinquefoil Helianthemum nummularium - Common rockrose Prunella grandiflora - Large self heal Thymus serpyllum - Breckland thyme Festuca cinerea-hybride - Blue fescue Gypsophila repens - Creeping gypsophila Koeleria glauca - Blue Hair GrassSaponaria ocymoides - Rock soapwort Satureja montana ssp. illyrica - Creeping winter savory Saxifraga paniculata - White Mountain saxifrage Sempervivum - Liveforever, HouseleekCerastium arvense ' compactum' - Field mouse-ear Thymus doerfleri 'Bressingham Seedling'- Bressingham Seedling' thymeSedum album 'Coral carpet'- "Coral carpet' stonecrop Sedum album 'Murale'- 'Murale' stonecropSedum cauticolum - Showy stonecropSedum floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold'- 'Weihenstephaner Gold' stonecrop Sedum hybridum 'Immergruechen'- 'Immergruechen' hybrid stonecrop Sedum reflexum - Reflexed stonecrop Sedum spurium 'Album Superbum'- 'Album Superbum' stonecrop Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' - 'Fuldaglut' stonecrop Sedum spurium 'Roseum Superbum'- 'Roseum Superbum' stonecrop With a great experience in landscaping and construction of green roofs, our company is ready to help you choosing the right type of ecological roof and vegetation for your construction: extensive, semi-extensive and intensive. Different type of sedums and wild grasses are ideal to form the vegetation of an extensive bio-divers green roof, but they can be also combined with flowers and other plants, in order to achieve green roofs with high decorative value. For the selection of plants that will form the vegetation of a green roof or a living wall, qualified and experienced horticulturists and landscape engineers are advising us. Plants recommended by us are suitable for the climatic conditions of the site; most of them are native species. Further maintenance of these green roofs is done promptly and with maximum professionalism, so we promise that you’ll have an aesthetic, healthy and viable green roof. Your ecological roof can be an extensive one, planted with sedum or ferns, or an intensive garden with grasses, perennials, shrubs and even high trees. We also use vegetation rolls developed for green roof systems, but grass can be also sown with seed mixtures, and for immediate results even trays fitted with matured plants can be installed. For any questions, please contact us!