Why green roof Why our company 6 min read 0 2,901 Why choose us? We like green roofs and every project is a new professional challenge for us We have 8 years of experience in this field with references of about 18.000 m² of extensive green roof and about 6.000 m² of intensive green terrace/roof We have support from world leaders in green roof projects both in providing material and technical counselling We are using high-tech materials, beautiful and reliable plants We have fair prices and high quality of implementation We have a great experience in logistics, especially the “just in time” type Good communication with partners is essential for us We show maximum flexibility even in a crowded construction site, synchronizing our activity with entrepreneurs of precursory phases or those we are sharing the same working front with Respecting deadlines is sacred for us regardless weather, even if it is raining, snowing or hot weather Our operating cost are lower than our West European competitors, even if we both use the same European branded green roof materials, we produce the same or better quality at lower project cost. Each project is unique, so we try to create a representative landscape in order to be proud of both the beneficiary and us To keep up with new solutions, we are present at all important events in the field of green roofs We try to improve continuously our knowledge even in relatively new areas, as biosolar roofs for example, because the current trend is to complete green roofs with solar panels. These environmental solutions complement each other and studies show the increase of efficiency of solar panels which are placed on roof gardens. In Malmö we have deepened our knowledge regarding green roofs combined with photovoltaic and solar panels in a training organized by the Institute of Green Roofs in Scandinavia. It is very important to acquire the new technologies appeared in the market of green terraces. Building green roofs is quite a new field in Romania. Very few specialists are having both training and experience in order to create projects of great complexity, to prevent malfunctions, to alert designers even in early stages about solving drainage problems, to ensure appropriate conditions for the plants, operational safety (prevention and firefighting, specific interaction between green roof, classical solar panels, photovoltaic panels, air-conditioning installations etc.) and of course to help the appropriate budgetary of green roof projects. An experience of about 8 years in intensive and extensive green terraces, a portfolio of 9.000 m², the continuous training in the field of environment friendly roofs – this is how Abplus-Events recommends us . We were invited to LAUD, the prestigious Expo conference to have a presentation on “Benefits of green roofs – projects in Romania” Our company has a great experience in green roof systems; we offer innovative solutions, materials used by us are modern, reliable and environment freindly. We have fair prices, contracts are completed in time, landscape works have guarantee, and we can also provide long-term maintenance for them. Whether it’s an industrial hall’s roof landscaped with extensive green vegetation, an office building with intensive green terraces, or a shopping centre with futuristic shape and pedestrian and vehicle traffic on its roof; everything must start with a thorough design. If you want an intensive or extensive green roof, a landscape garden, a green wall located in an office building, just noise insulation, or to complete the ecological function of the green roof by installing solar panels, we can provide projects, system solutions, estimates and consultancy in the field.